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Keto Diet List Of Foods.

Updated: Jun 28, 2021

What Is A Keto Diet?

Well for those who do not know a ketogenic or a keto diet is one that is extremely low in carbs and high in fats.

The basic principle is that you reduce your carb intake and thereby your body will start to go into ketosis that will allow the burning of fats for fuel.

When your body goes into ketosis your liver releases ketones that burns fat for fuel to provide energy to your body and brain.

There are a couple different keto diets but we are not going to go into detail on them in this article. In this article we are going to focus on the keto diet list of foods that are allowed to be consumed on a keto diet. Take in mind that the size of a portion in this article is 100 grams.

Now let us dive right into the Keto Diet List Of Foods.

Keto Diet List Of Foods: Proteins.

Proteins are made from amino acids and our body can produce 20 of them but there are 9 that it cannot produce and that means that we have to consume them trough our foods.

There are complete and incomplete proteins. Complete proteins would be animal proteins that contains consistently high amounts of all nine amino acids while plant proteins are incomplete because they contain less of the amino acids compared to animal proteins.

Here are some of the important functions of proteins.

  • Controls the creation of enzymes and hormones. Many of the essential hormones in our bodies like insulin and growth hormones are proteins likewise many of the enzymes in our bodies are proteins. Therefore your body needs a steady supply of these amino acids to effectively produce these vital enzymes and hormones.

  • Maintains health of skin, bones, hair and internal organs. In this instance new amino acids are required to replace the organs that become old and damaged due to time.

  • Muscle growth and repair. There is a good reason why body builders consume large quantities of protein on a daily basis and that is because protein is extremely important in the repair of your muscles. Adequate protein intake combined with resistance training equals muscle growth.

Here is a list of the keto diet proteins. There are other animal proteins like cheese, butter and milk but we will deal with them separately from this list of proteins. It is important to note that you should only use organic grass fed meats whenever possible.

  • Clams

  • Mussels

  • Octopus

  • Oysters

  • Squid

  • Pork

  • Beef

  • Poultry

  • Lamb

  • Bison

  • Eggs

  • Fatty Fish


Yes clams are a great source of lean protein if you are on a keto diet and the only contain about 3.57Grams of carbs per 100 Grams of clams. Clams are also a great source of omega 3 fatty acids that have to many health benefits to name here.


Mussels are also a great source of omega 3 fatty acids and are high in protein even though they do have a bit more carbs that clams. With about 7 grams of carbs for every 100 grams of mussels they are still a good choice if you are on a keto diet but you will have to watch your portions especially if you are strict on the amount of carbs you consume on a daily basis.


Octopus only contains about 4.4grams of carbs but you still need to be mindful about serving size if you want to stay within a certain carb range. The other thing to consider with octopus is that it is extremely low in fats so you will need to supplement your fat intake if you consume a lot of octopus. A 100 gram serving of octopus contains 29.8 grams of protein, 2.1 grams of fat and 164 calories.


Oysters are not a great option on keto but many people still ad them to the list. They contain about 7.3G of carbs, 7G protein, 2.1G of fat and 79 calories. There are better alternatives but if you like the taste of oysters then just be mindful of your serving size and supplement with additional fats and lean protein.


Squid is a great keto choice. With only 3.1g carbs and you can eat a relatively large portion while staying in your carb range. Squid is also moderately high in protein with 15.6g and the only downside being the low fat content of 1.4g.If you eat squid then make sure that you supplement your fat intake because your body will burn fat for fuel while in ketosis.


Pork is one of the meats that are perfect for a keto diet because they contain no carbs, are moderate in fats and high in proteins. Pork is also extremely versatile and can be made into many healthy great tasting dishes. Pork contains 0 carbs, 14.3G fat, 23.7G protein and 231 calories. These amounts may vary depending on what cut of pork you use but there are no carbs in anyone of them.


Beef and especially ground beef is an extremely versatile source of protein for a keto diet. There are no carbs in them and if you buy whole cuts that are minimally processed you will also not expose yourself to other ingredients that could have been added to the meat. Beef is a great source of fats with around 30G depending on the cut and high in protein with 14.3 Grams.


I am going to focus on chicken here but the nutritional facts for poultry is mostly the same with exception like duck that a generally more fatty. Poultry contains no carbs and can either be high or low in fat depending if you eat it with the skin non or off. If you choose to remove the skin then you should supplement your diet with healthy fats so that your body can burn healthy fats while in ketosis. The great thing about poultry is the high protein content of about 24.6 Grams.


I just love lamb and mutton meat. They are both high in protein and fats and contains no carbs and the best thing is that they taste amazing. Whole cuts of lamb are also minimally processed and free from non keto ingredients. Always go for organic lamb if at all possible.


Bison meat is an excellent source on protein if you can get your hands on it. Both bison and beef have similar amounts of protein it is just the fat percentage that tends to be less in Bison. If you have access to bison then just supplement with healthy fats from avocados or other fats like coconut oil or olive oil.

Fatty Fish.

Fatty fish like Cod, Mackerel, Herring and chad are amazing choices of protein. Not only do they contain no fat but they are packed full of healthy fats and protein. They are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids that have many health benefits including cancer prevention.


Natures little keto bombs. Eggs should be part of any keto diet. They are healthy, contains almost no carbs and are high in fats and protein. They are also extremely versatile. There are so may ways that eggs can be prepared so there is no reason not to make them part of your diet.

Keto Diet List Of Foods: Vegetables

Vegetables should be part of any keto diet. But you have to consume the right kind like non starchy vegetables because the are much lower in carbs and in calories. Veggies like potatoes are high in carbs and it is easy to overeat on them and then be over your daily carb limit.

Vegetables also contain many nutrients that are essential to help your body function properly. Fiber is also found in vegetables that help keep your digestive tract healthy.

Here is a list of low carb vegetables that you can use on your keto diet.

  • Asparagus

  • Spinach

  • Swiss Chard

  • Celery

  • Lettuce

  • Cabbage

  • Green olives

  • Cucumber

  • Cauliflower

  • Zucchini

  • Tomatoes

  • Green peppers

  • Red peppers

  • Broccoli

  • Brussels Sprouts

  • Green beans

  • Avocado


Whole organic food should be a staple of every keto diet. Asparagus is an amazing addition to your keto diet because it only contains 0.3G of carbs. It is extremely low in fats with only 0.4g so you will have to supplement with additional healthy fats in your diet. Asparagus is loaded full of vitamins and minerals that will help to keep you healthy on your keto diet. Please always try to use organic vegetables to avoid being exposed to pesticides that may have been used to farm them.


Spinach is definitely a keto vegetable. It is loaded with iron, magnesium and manganese and has a low amount of carbs. There are many other vitamins and minerals found in spinach that gives you plenty of reasons to ad it to your diet. Spinach is also low in fat and protein so supplementing those will be essential.

Swiss Chard.

Swiss Chard is another leafy green vegetable that is loaded with iron, manganese and magnesium. Here again you will find a vegetable that is low in carbs, fats and protein so supplementing the fats and the protein is essential. However Swiss chard is a extremely versatile veggie that can be combined into so many keto dishes.


Celery makes for a great on the go snack when on a keto diet, Is is low in carbs with only about 3grams. Dipping a celery stick in unsweetened peanut or almond butter makes for a great snack while also adding fats and extra protein to your diet.


Yes I know lettuce is not the best tasting vegetable out there. Yes low in carbs, fats and proteins and it is not loaded with vitamins and minerals but that does not mean it should not be in the keto diet arsenal of foods. Lettuce especially iceberg lettuce makes for a great low carb wrap. Just wrap ground beef, chees and a bit of tomatoes in a leaf of lettuce and you have a quick and easy keto meal.


Cabbage is another of those versatile vegetables. It can be used as a wrap, eaten rag in a coleslaw or used in a different variety of cooked dishes. Cabbage contains about 4 grams of carbs, 1 gram protein and a host of different vitamins and minerals. Studies have also shown that vegetables like cabbage and broccoli are effective in dealing with environmental toxins and may even helping a person cope with radiation treatment.

Green Olives.

Olives are a perfect keto snack. They are low in carbs with about 1 g and high in healthy fats. Olives originate from the Mediterranean and have featured in their diet for centuries. They do not contain a lot of protein so make sure you add some to your meal.


Cucumber is low in carbs with 1 gram and contains almost no fat and protein but that does not mean cucumbers are not good for you. They make an excellent addition to a keto diet and most people consume them raw. Here are some of the health benefits of cucumber.

  • Brian protection.

  • Diabetic aid and reduces blood pressure.

  • Anti-inflammatory agent.

  • Full of antioxidants.

  • Strengthens bones.

  • Healthy hair and skin.

  • Breath freshener.

  • Cancer reduction.

  • Stress relieve.

  • Weight management.

  • Hangover cure.

  • Promotes hydration.

  • Helps to regulate bowel movements.


With only 2 grams of carbs and a host of other health benefits this as a great veggie for a keto diet. Cauliflower belongs to the same family as cabbage and broccoli and also has many of the same health benefits. Cauliflower tastes great steamed and covered in a keto cheese sauce and can even be used as a rice alternative. To make cauliflower rice just pulse the desired amount of cauliflower in a blender until the desired size is achieved.


Now I have to say that this is not my favorite vegetable but the nutritional facts speak for themselves. Zucchini is low in fat with 1 gram and also low in protein and fat. It makes up for the lack by being packed full of nutritious vitamins and minerals. If you love lasagna but would also like to go keto then simply substitute the pasta with zucchini slices and you have a healthy keto lasagna.


Yes a tomato is technically a fruit but unlike most fruits tomatoes are keto friendly just do not go and ad it to a fruit salad. There is a caveat when consuming tomatoes on a keto based diet and that is not all tomato based products are keto friendly. A fresh tomato contains about 3 grams of carbs while sundried tomatoes contain about 23 grams because of the lack of water. You should also take a look at the nutritional information of tomato products like sauces and pastes and avoid using the ones with added carbs.

Green and Red Peppers.

These peppers make a great addition to a keto diet but should be consumed in moderation because you can easily overeat on them and then consume to much carbs while you are on a keto diet.

Peppers are made up of about 92% water 6% carbs and the rest is mostly fiber and protiens.

Here is the nutritional information of 100Grams of raw peppers.

  • Calories: 31

  • Water: 92%

  • Protein: 1 gram

  • Carbs: 6 grams

  • Sugar: 4.2 grams

  • Fiber: 2.1 grams

  • Fat: 0.3 grams

Peppers are loaded in vitamins and minerals like the following.

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin B6

  • Vitamin K1

  • Potassium

  • Volate

  • Vitamin E

  • Vitamin A

Enjoy them raw or cooked in a omelet just take care of the amount you consume.


I have to admit that broccoli was not my favorite vegetable growing up but I am rather fond of it now.

Broccoli is a rather filling and versatile vegetable that should be part of a keto diet. Broccoli is moderate in carbs carbs and protein and contains almost no fats.

Check out the nutritional information for yourself.

  • Calories: 31

  • Water: 89%

  • Protein: 2.5 grams

  • Carbs: 6 grams

  • Sugar: 1.5 grams

  • Fiber: 2.4 grams

  • Fat: 0.4 grams

Broccoli also contains the following vitamins and minerals.

  • Vitamin C, B1, B9

  • Iron.

  • Manganese

  • Potassium.

Like always try and get your hands on organically grown broccoli to avoid the consumption of any poisons that may have been used in growing the broccoli.

Check out the following plant compounds contained in broccoli. Each has its own amazing health benefits.

  • Carotenoids.

  • Quercetin.

  • Kaempherol.

  • Sulforaphane.

  • Indole-3-Carbinol.

According to some research broccoli can also help heal the damage caused to your body by environmental poisons and radiation.

Brussels sprouts.

I must admit that I hate Brussels sprouts. I cannot stand the taste nor the smell of these green balls of distasteful leafs. But this being an entirely unbiased article I will include them in here because there are actually some people who can stand the taste and who do like them.

Brussels sprouts are extremely high in nutrients and low in calories and makes a great addition to your keto diet if you can stand the taste. 100 grams only contain about 70 calories, about 6 grams of carbs, 2.2 grams of fats and about 4.5 grams of protein. Fortunately I will not be able to overeat on them and ruin my keto diet but that is something to take into consideration if you like them. Also you should supplement your fat and protein intake when consuming Brussels sprouts.

Here are the nutritional values of Brussels sprouts.

  • Calories: 28

  • Protein: 2 grams

  • Carbs: 6 grams

  • Fiber: 2 grams

  • Vitamin K: 137% of the RDI

  • Vitamin C: 81% of the RDI

  • Vitamin A: 12% of the RDI

  • Folate: 12% of the RDI

  • Manganese: 9% of the RDI

The following are some of the health benefits of Brussels sprouts.

  • High in nutrients.

  • Rich in antioxidants.

  • May help in cancer prevention.

  • High in fiber.

  • High in Vitamin K.

  • May help to control your blood sugar levels.

  • Contain omega 3 fatty acids.

  • May help to reduce inflammation.

  • Rich in vitamin C.

Green Beans.

Now this is a vegetable that I can overeat myself on. My mom used to make them when I was a child with potatoes and tomatoes that was just amazingly delicious. Yes that was not a keto recipe but green beans should form part of your keto diet.

Here is a list of the nutritional information of green beans.

  • 28 calories

  • 0.55 grams (g) of fat

  • 5.66 g of carbohydrate

  • 2.6 g of fiber

  • 1.94 g of sugar

  • 1.42 g of protein

  • 17 milligrams (mg) of calcium

  • 1.2 mg of iron

  • 18 mg magnesium

  • 30 mg of phosphorus

  • 130 mg potassium

  • 24 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin A

  • 52.5 mcg of vitamin K

  • 32 mcg of folate

Care should be taken when eating green beans so that you do not overeat yourself and consume to many carbs.


I know an avocado is a fruit but we include it here in the vegetable list. Avocado is also synonymous with a keto diet.

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