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Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits.

Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits.
Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits.

Lately a question that has been doing the rounds on the internet is What are Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits?

Well apple cider vinegar health benefits are numerous and some even have scientifically proven backup.

In today's age new healthcare trends come and go almost on a daily basis but is apple cider vinegar one of them?

Apple Cider Vinegar is everywhere and easily obtainable from almost every grocery store today but for the best results we would recommend you buy organic from a whole foods department.

I also think that people are becoming more aware and taking responsibility for their own health. People are also researching ancient remedies to see if they actually work and apple cider vinegar is no exception. Yes Apple Cider Vinegar has been used since ancient times to treat a host of conditions and ailments.

In this article we will actually take a look at the apple cider health benefits that are actually endorsed by science.

For those who do not know Apple Cider Vinegar is basically twice fermented apple juice. The first fermentation turns the apple juice into hard cider and the second one turns the cider into vinegar.

Even though Apple Cider Vinegar has proven health benefits it is not a miracle cure and should not be considered one. It is a great addition to a healthy diet but remember it will not help much if you do not follow a healthy lifestyle that includes enough exercise.

Please always consult your healthcare practitioner before attempting any diet or supplements.

Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits: Nutritional Information.

One of the reasons that apple cider vinegar has so many health benefits is because it is loaded in nutrients. Apple Cider Vinegar contains almost no calories with only 3 calories per tablespoon. Here is a list of some of the nutrients contained in Apple Cider Vinegar.

  • Amino acids.

  • Antioxidants.

  • Magnesium.

  • Manganese.

  • Phosphorus.

  • Iron.

  • Calcium.

  • Sodium.

  • Zinc.

  • Copper.

  • Selenium.

Yes Apple Cider Vinegar is packed full of healthy vitamins and minerals and would make a great addition to any diet.

Now let us take a look at a couple of different apple cider health benefits.

This article serves to introduce you to the apple cider health benefits. Here is a small list of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar that we will cover here.

  • Cancer Prevention.

  • Digestive aid.

  • Skin and Hair Health.

  • Diabetes Aid.

  • Kills Bacteria.

  • Weight Loss aid.

  • Controls Diabetes.

Apple Cider vinegar Health Benefits: Cancer prevention

Before I continue with this article I have to say that you should not stop any cancer treatment and start using Apple Cider Vinegar to treat cancer. Any treatment to help with a disease or condition should be discussed with a doctor first.

There are two reasons why Apple Cider Vinegar can help in the treatment and prevention of Cancer.

Maintaining and promoting health.

His entire article is dedicated to apple cider health benefits and all of the ones listed here will help in maintaining a healthy body. If you are healthy then your body has a better chance to fight against diseases and infections.


Antioxidants have been scientifically proven to help in combating free radicals that can lead to cancer. If you remove cancer forming agents like free radicals the chances of you developing cancer will be greatly reduced.

Apple Cider vinegar Health Benefits: Digestive aid.

Apple Cider Vinegar could help with the following digestive issues.

  • Reducing bloating.

  • Improving Digestion.

  • Getting rid of heartburn

We should all learn to listen to our bodies and if you feel any discomfort or pain after a meal that means that you probably ate something that does not agree with your body.

A proper acid level in our stomach is essential for proper digestion of our foods. Proper digestion will lead to effective nutrient absorption.

When our food is not properly digested our bodies cannot absorb the nutrients effectively and that can lead to a host of medical conditions.

Adding Apple Cider Vinegar to your diet will help to raise your stomach acid levels and thus contribute to better digestion of your food and improved nutrient absorption.

Apple Cider vinegar Health Benefits: Skin And Hair Care.

Apple Cider Vinegar is a truly amazing substance that does not just have health benefits but can also be used for hair and skincare.

With everything mentioned in this article it would seem that there is nothing that Apple Cider Vinegar cannot do. As a precautionary measure you should dilute Apple Cider Vinegar before applying it to the skin because it could potentially burn the skin of sensitive individuals.

Here are just some of the reasons why Apple Cider Vinegar is great for hair and skincare.

  • Treats dandruff.

  • Combats hair tangles and reduces hair frizz.

  • Treats and soothes sunburn.

  • Shows Promising signs of anti ageing properties.

  • Helps to keep your hair moisturised and seals the hair cuticles.

  • Could treat and reduce acne.

Apple Cider vinegar Health Benefits: Diabetes Aid.

Apple Cider Vinegar has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels when you are not eating and thereby could help you in managing diabetes.

You should take care when you are on insulin or other diabetes medication because Apple Cider Vinegar could cause you potassium levels to drop.

The best thing to do would be to consult a doctor before using Apple Cider Vinegar if you have diabetes.

The other reason why Apple Cider Vinegar could help manage or even prevent diabetes is because it could lead to weight loss. Studies have shown that overweight people are much more susceptible to diabetes and keeping your weight in check could help in preventing diabetes.

Apple Cider vinegar Health Benefits: Kills Bacteria.

Yes this is another one of apple cider vinegars amazing health benefits. Apple Cider Vinegar can help to inhibit the growth of bacteria like E Coli and for this reason it has been used as a food preservative for centuries.

If you are looking for an all natural healthy food preservative then give Apple Cider Vinegar a go.

Apple Cider Vinegar has also been used in the past to clean wounds and in the treatment of fungal growth.

Apple Cider vinegar Health Benefits: Weight Loss.

This is one of the health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar that actually has scientific proof to back it and has been used for this specific reason for ages. Apple Cider Vinegar has shown to lead to weight loss even without going on a strict diet but when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise the results of apple cider vinegar for weight loss can be truly amazing.

The reason that Apple Cider Vinegar helps with weight loss is because it makes you feel fuller for longer. Drinking a glass of water containing Apple Cider Vinegar before a meal will make you feel fuller and thus help in preventing you overeating leading to weight loss.

Apple Cider vinegar Health Benefits: Bad Cholesterol and Blood pressure control.

Apple Cider Vinegar helps in controlling blood pressure in the following way. Apple Cider Vinegar helps to control the hormone called renin that is produced in your kidneys and that is responsible for the dilation and the constriction of your blood vessels. When your blood vessels constrict your blood pressure will rise and the opposite is true for when your blood vessels are dilated. Apple Cider Vinegar helps to keep your blood vessels relaxed and thus blood pressure wont rise.

The antioxidants found in Apple Cider Vinegar have also been shown to help reduce the formation of bad cholesterol.

Another way that Apple Cider Vinegar could help with the above mentioned is by helping you to lose weight. Losing weight also helps to regulate your blood pressure.

How To Drink Apple Cider Vinegar?

This is actually rather simple and straightforward. Just fill a teaspoon and drink it. Ok granted this would not be the best tasting way to consume Apple Cider Vinegar. Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar is so easy and because it is a liquid it can be consumed in so many ways. One way to get your daily dose of Apple Cider Vinegar is to make a salad dressing and just pour it over a salad with your dinner.

You can also mix Apple Cider Vinegar with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon mixed in a glass of water. If you do not like the taste then mix Apple Cider Vinegar with a glass of fruit juice.

There are so many recipes that you can make for a great tasting Apple Cider Vinegar tonic so go ahead and experiment until you find something that suits your tastes.

How Much Apple Cider Vinegar To Drink?

Just because Apple Cider Vinegar is healthy does not mean that you should go and drink it straight out of the bottle and in large quantities. It is better to start out with a small dose and work it up from there.

The general recommended dose on how much apple cider vinegar to drink would be two tablespoons daily. That would be 15 to 30 ML a day made into a tonic or mixed with fruit juice.

It would also be better to start out with a dose of half a tablespoon a day and work it up slowly to two tablespoons a day if you do not notice any side effects.

Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits : Side Effects.

It is important to note that even though apple cider vinegar is healthy it could potentially have negative side effects if taken in large doses and if you are sensitive to apple cider vinegar. That is why you should start with a low dose and slowly increase it over time. Apple cider vinegar could cause the following side effects because it is acidic and therefore should bi diluted when used.

  • This may sound counterintuitive because apple cider vinegar can actually aid in and improve digestion. With that being said if you suffer from acid reflux and stomach ulcers then the use of apple cider vinegar could actually worsen these conditions.

  • Drinking too much apple cider vinegar could cause indigestion.

  • Could weaken enamel and cause tooth decay.

  • Apple cider vinegar could burn your skin in severe cases and if you have a sensitive skin. That is why you should dilute it if you want to use apple cider vinegar for acne treatment and only add two tablespoons to your bath water if you want to use it to treat sunburn.

  • Could lower potassium levels if you already have low potassium levels or if you drink more than the recommended dose.

With apple cider vinegar more is not necessarily better that is why a little goes a long way. If you have any questions regarding apple cider vinegar then please drop them below in the comments.

Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits Questions And Answers.

Q. Can apple cider vinegar help you lose weight.

A. Yes it has been proven that apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight by keeping you fuller for longer and thus preventing you from overeating yourself. This however does not make apple cider vinegar a miracle substance for weight loss and a balanced diet with regular exercise will just enhance your ability to lose weight.

Q. How Apple Cider Vinegar is made?

A. Apple juice is first made into hard apple cider by fermenting the sugars into alcohol. A secondary fermentation is then undertaken whereby the alcohol is converted into acetic acid and thereby producing apple cider vinegar.

Q. How much apple cider vinegar to drink?

A. The general answer is a maximum of two tablespoons a day. You should however start out small with a half a tablespoon and slowly increase the dosage. If you develop any side effect you should either reduce the amount or stop using apple cider vinegar altogether.

Q. Will apple cider vinegar help acid reflux?

A. Yes and no. Apple cider vinegar could help with digestion but if you suffer from acid reflux it could actually worsen it. This however differs from individual to individual and the effect could differ.

Q. Will apple cider vinegar kill mold?

A. Yes apple cider vinegar can kill mold. It has been used to kill bacteria and in the treatment of wounds for a long time. Apple cider vinegar can be used as a natural way to kill mold because it is acidic.

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