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Health Benefits of Honey

Updated: May 17, 2021

We all know this sweet tasting treat is made by bees but few of us know what the health benefits of honey is.

Honey has been used throughout history as a folk medicine and some hospitals still do.

Most if not all the health benefits are specific to unpasteurized or raw honey.

The pasteurization destroys most of the beneficial nutrients that is why it is important to source raw honey from a reputable local producer.

Raw honey is full of vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and water and it will never spoil if kept in an airtight container.

Honey is also extremely versatile and can be eaten in many dishes or just take a spoon and eat it out of the jar.

If you are contemplating which honey to take, always go for the darker ones because they contain the most antioxidants.

For an extremely healthy natural remedy combine honey with another natural product that also has strong antiseptic and antibacterial properties like garlic.

To make garlic infused honey just chop up a couple heads of garlic and mix into a jar of honey and let it sit for a week.

Take one tablespoon of this mixture to help fight against colds and flu.

Honey Nutritional information.

One tablespoon of honey contains:

  • Calories: 64

  • Protein: 0 grams

  • Fat: 0 grams

  • Carbohydrates: 17 grams

  • Fiber: 0 grams

  • Sugar: 17 grams

The following elements are found in trace quantities in honey.

  • Zinc

  • Magnesium

  • Potassium

  • Niacin

  • Riboflavin

  • Calcium

  • Manganese

  • Phosphorous

Honey contains more calories than sugar and thus is sweeter meaning you have to use less when substituting it for sugar.

Now let us take a look at 7 amazing health benefits that honey has for your body.

1: Weight loss

If you want to lose weight with honey then rub it all over your face and go camping in a place where there are many bears.

Pretty soon a bear will smell the honey and all you have to do is run away to lose weight.


This was meant as a joke and please nobody go and actually do it but honey does really have the ability to help you lose weight.

Unlike refined sugar honey does not just consist of empty calories but contains many different vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your body.

Unlike refined sugar, honey does not cause your insulin and glucose levels to spike as badly and it also boosts your metabolism, something that is essential in weight loss.

So if you are serious about losing extra weight start by replacing the sugar you consume with honey, not only will this help you lose weight but also help to keep you healthy.

Eating a teaspoon of honey before bed is a great idea because it will boost your metabolism that tends to slow down when we are asleep.

2: Clearer skin

You do not need a whole tub of honey a day to get clearer skin a tablespoon full should do.

Because of the antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties of honey it can be used to help treat a host of skin conditions.

Honey is also a powerful antioxidant that helps your body to get rid of toxins that will also naturally lead to a healthier skin.

The vitamins and minerals in honey will also contribute to a healthier skin.

For a natural exfoliator mix one tablespoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of honey and apply to your face and let sit for 15 minutes and then wash it off.

Do this once a day for a healthy smooth skin.

Raw honey can be applied to your skin directly to treat acne and this is because of honey's anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

3: Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol is needed for good heart health yet at the same time is a contributing factor to the number one killer on the planet heart disease.

That does sound like a contradiction but the difference is the type of cholesterol.

Honey contains no cholesterol and the antioxidants in honey helps to reduce bad cholesterol.

So for a healthy drug free way to help reduce cholesterol make honey part of your daily diet.

The antioxidants in honey will also contribute to a stronger heart.

Garlic’s sulfur content, along with the anti-inflammatory properties of honey promote better circulation by preventing clotting. They also work to strengthen our veins and reduce the probability of associated issues like thrombosis and varicose veins.

4: Improved memory

If you are absent minded and struggle to concentrate then honey could be just the remedy for you.

To help improve your memory take a spoonful of honey a day or when you need to study late.

Honey helps to fight stress and restores the cellular antioxidant defense system that leads to an improvement in memory.

Honey also contains calcium that has a beneficial effect on brain function.

Honey has even been proven in studies to lower the chances of dementia.

5: Better sleep

The golden medicine called honey could also help you sleep better.

Honey raises insulin levels in the blood and that releases serotonin.

Serotonin is then converted into melatonin that is essential for a good night's rest.

Struggling to sleep then eat some honey 30 minutes before bed and get a good night's rest.

6: Healthy stomach

Like already mentioned honey has strong antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

These properties are the ones that will lead to a more healthier digestive tract.

Honey may also help heal small wounds in the mucus membrane of the stomach.

Honey is also an important prebiotic that can help to maintain a healthy stomach.

Another superpower of honey is as a treatment for diarrhea. To use honey for diarrhea just take a teaspoon full but do take care that excessive consumption of honey can actually worsen the diarrhea. Best to seek medical attention should the diarrhea persist.

7: Relieves Tension

The glucose in honey is quickly absorbed in the blood which promotes relaxation and reduces stress and tension.

Glucose is also essential for the functioning of your brain neurons.

8: Antioxidant properties

Free radicals can lead to a host of medical issues like cancer, heart disease and autoimmune disorders.

Honey and especially Munuka Honey contains large amounts of antioxidants that can help combat these issues.

Some types of honey like Munuka may even have more antioxidants than fruits or vegetables and it is worth mentioning that should you buy honey always try to get your hands on raw honey and a darker type because they contain more antioxidants.

9: Antibacterial and Antifungal properties

Like mentioned before honey has been used as a folk medicine for ages. These health benefits of honey are because of the naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide and antiseptic.

The effectiveness of honey in this area also depends a lot on the type of honey used.

Manuka honey is used in the treatment of wounds and has been found to aid in the regeneration of tissue and to be an effective germ killer.

Please take note that the honey used in hospitals is sterile and inspected and is not your garden variety store bought honey.

Another reason for the health benefits of honey is because it is loaded in phytonutrients that help to fight medical issues like cancer and autoimmune diseases.

10: Cough suppressant and helps to fight against sore throat

A great way to fight against a flu and a sore throat is to make honey and lemon tea.

Honey could also help calm a cough and all you need to do to find relief in this area is take two teaspoons full or a shot glass full of honey straight up.


Even though there are many health benefits of honey there are still a couple of risks that are worth mentioning.

Honey may contain Clostridium Botulinum, a dangerous bacteria responsible for botulism poisoning.

It is therefore recommended not to give honey to infants younger than 12 months old.

Allergies of honey are extremely rare but worth mentioning here. The reason for honey allergies are thought to be because of the pollen in the honey and therefore people who are sensitive to allergies should take care when consuming honey.

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