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Yeast Infection From sex.

Yeast Infection from Sex
Yeast Infection From Sex

Yeast infection from sex. Yeast infections most commonly affect females; most of the time you will not even know you have a yeast infection and can be treated with over the counter medication.. Most doctors have considered that getting a Yeast infection from sex is uncommon because a yeast infection is not considered to be an STD. Candidiasis (Yeast infection) can also develop in women who are not sexually active. The Vagina naturally has some bacteria and yeast, which are responsible for keeping it healthy. A problem occurs when they grow and multiply in number, resulting in a disturbance of their normal balance and developing into a yeast infection. This, therefore, causes swelling, irritation, and itching in the area. That is why its development is usually not a result of sexual intercourse. However, engaging in sexual activity with an infected partner may be the result of you developing a yeast infection from sext. Getting a yeast infection is common, and it is estimated that most women will develop a vaginal yeast infection at a particular point in their life. Those women who get a yeast infection are likely to get them again. Are you interested in finding out more about yeast infections, like what causes them and how to prevent them? Then you should read this article to find out more information on Candida yeast infection.

What is a Yeast Infection from sex? Vaginal yeast infection, also known as Candidiasis, is a type of infection that occurs in the Vagina, causing a burning sensation, itching, and sometimes swelling of the Vulva. This infection is caused by the overgrowth of a fungus hosted in the Vagina called Candida. Women of every age can be affected by Candidiasis, and it is estimated that three out of four women will develop Candidiasis in their life. This infection is rare after menopause and before puberty although this does not exclude women in that age group from developing a yeast infection.

Common symptoms of Vaginal yeast infection. Before going into details of whether you can get a yeast infection from sex, let us first try to give you a clear understanding of the symptoms of a yeast infection. Here are the most common symptoms that a person is likely to develop if they have a yeast infection: • Developing an itch in the vaginal area • Experiencing a burning sensation when urinating or during sex. • The Vagina becoming inflamed • Experiencing pain during sex • Developing a rash on the Vagina • Some women may experience a vaginal discharge which is usually white-gray and looks like cottage cheese chunks. • Or some women may experience a completely watery discharge. The symptoms may worsen over time if left untreated; that is why it is always advisable to get medical attention at the onset of a vaginal yeast infection.

Is a Yeast infection from sex? Though many people believe that you can get a yeast infection from sex, this istrue and it can be spread via sex but this does not make a yeast infection a STD. The Vagina naturally hosts Candida, a Fungus found in the Vagina; the bacteria Lactobacillus helps maintain this Fungus and ensures their number is kept in check. A yeast infection is triggered where there is an overgrowth of Candida cells. The bacteria are unable to hinder their growth; this results in an imbalance causing a yeast infection. Though a Yeast infection is not an STI, some women have reported getting it after sex, and this can result due to the introduction of foreign bacteria into the Vagina. This could mean that your partner had a yeast infection or an oral thrush, as the bacteria could be spread into the vulva through oral sex. So, the question remains what causes a yeast infection. Causes of a Yeast Infection From Sex. Having seen that getting a yeast infection from sex is possible, now let us look at the common yeast infection causes. Developing a yeast infection can range from various reasons like lifestyle, pre-existing medical conditions, among others. Douching: This can cause a yeast infection as it usually disrupts the average balance of yeast and bacteria around and in the vaginal parts. Hormonal treatments and birth control: adjustment to birth controls or any hormonal treatments may lead to yeast infections. This is because the body is not used to the changes yet. Wearing tight clothing: wearing tight clothes like pants and underwear can restrict the flow of air to the Vagina. Yeast usually thrives in moist, warm areas that are protected. That is why it is always advisable to wear loose clothes, especially if you feel itchy in your genitals. Menopause: A sudden change in hormones in a woman's body can cause a throw of the balance between yeast and bacteria. When estrogen drops, the skin of the Vulva becomes weak and thinner. Any slight infection during this time can result in a yeast infection. Pregnancy: The level of estrogen rises to high levels during pregnancy; these changes can weaken the immune system and lead to the growth of Candida. Diabetes: Research has shown that women with Type 2 diabetes are likely to develop vaginal yeast infections. Menstruation: Some women also report yeast infections during a particular phase of their menstrual. This occurs due to hormonal fluctuations. HIV: women who have HIV may experience yeast infection due to a weak immune system. • Using soaps that contain fragrances may lead to or worsen an existing yeast infection. Can I get a yeast infection from sex? Though we have seen that a yeast infection is not an STD, you can get a yeast infection from sex with someone who is infected whether it is by vaginal, oral or anl sex. A yeast infection can affect people who are not sexually active; you can get it after unprotected sexual intercourse with a male counterpart with a penile yeast infection. Men can also develop a yeast infection by having intercourse with a woman who has a yeast infection.

Can I get a yeast infection from oral sex? According to a study, it has been found those receiving vaginal sex orally increase some women's chances of vaginal yeast infection. Oral sex potentially introduces Candida and bacteria from your partner's mouth, gums, and tongue to a woman's Vulva, which includes the labia, clitoris, and Vagina. The risk of a yeast infection will increase significantly if the person giving the oral sex has oral thrush. If this partner with an oral thrush kisses or licks other parts of your body, this Fungi and bacteria will spread to those other places. This can include your nipples, mouth, and anus. So, there it is, you can develop a yeast infection from sex orally. Prevention of a yeast infection. Having discussed the causes of yeast infection and what it is, let us now look at some possible ways of preventing it. Eating a balanced diet: increases the immunity of the body. Wearing loose fitting undergarments made of either linen or cotton: This is because these materials keep the vaginal area dry. Avoid wearing tight clothes: This will allow for a sufficient flow of oxygen to your vaginal area discouraging all the conducive conditions for yeast growth. • Avoid using feminine products that are perfumed or have a scent if you are sensitive to them. Avoiding douching: the vagina is self-cleansing, and thus you do not need to wash it inside as this will alter with the bacteria and yeast that maintain its normal condition. •Include some natural yogurt or supplements in your diet which has Lactobacillus. Should you avoid sexual intercourse if you have Candidiasis? If you or your partner have a yeast infection, you should probably avoid having sexual intercourse. This is because it can cause sex to be painful and worsen your symptoms like irritation and swelling. Having penetrative sex can disrupt your vaginal ecosystem; even more, this will make it difficult for your body to get back its balance and heal. You always run the risk of transmitting the Candida fungus to your partner and have them develop a yeast infection. Though this is rare, some men contract a yeast infection after sex with a partner who has it. There is a higher risk for men to develop a yeast infection who are not circumcised. Though the likeliness of developing a yeast infection from sex is low, it is better to avoid sex until after infection clears up.

Yeast Infection From Sex: Treatment of Vaginal yeast infection.

If you find out that you have developed symptoms that may indicate you have a yeast infection. Please do not panic, as it is pretty easy to get rid of it. This is because there are some remedies that you can use to wear off these symptoms and get better. Also, when treating a yeast infection, ensure that you wear breathable linen or cotton underpants. Taking an Epsom salt bath can also help a lot in relieving the itching. Over-the-counter treatment of Yeast infection women who develop a yeast infection that is mild or moderate may use OTC options to treat it. The commonest OTC medications that are available include Creams, tablets, suppositories, and ointments. Short course vaginal treatments Short course drugs are those that are available for yeast treatment for a few days, which is three to seven days. Some of the most common ones include: clotrimazole, Vagistat, monistat and tioconazole. In sensitive individuals these creams may cause some irritation or burning when they are applied. If a yeast infection is mild or moderate with these medications, it should clear up within 3 to 7 days. Also, some yeast infections go away without any treatment. You can use some home treatments to restore the good bacteria. This includes: using such things as probiotics, tea tree oil, boric acid, among others. Please note that you should always consult a doctor before undertaking any treatment to clear up a medical condition. When should you see a doctor? When you have taken a complete course of treatment at home, and your symptoms have not disappeared or improved, then your next step should be seeing a doctor about the yeast infection. If the infection is a recurring one that does not respond to OTC medication then the help of a doctor is also advisable. If your yeast infection symptoms have become worse If it is not your first time developing a yeast infection, as you have contracted it more than four times in a year If you are experiencing a very smelly discharge and you are also bleeding. You can get a yeast infection from sex, though it is said not to be a sexually transmitted infection. Both penetrative and oral sex can result in a yeast infection. Though it can be treated easily, a yeast infection can cause significant discomfort. Most diseases are easily treatable using over-the-counter methods, and thus if you develop symptoms, there is no reason to be alarmed. Also, proper recommended care should be taken to prevent the future occurrence of this infection. Having sexual intercourse while treating a yeast infection would be purely dependent on the comfort ability of those engaging in it.

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