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Yeast Infection in Men Symptoms: All You Need To Know

Yeast Infection in Men Symptoms
Yeast Infection in Men Symptoms

Yeast infection can affect both females and males. But it is often perceived as a female-only health issue. That is because fungal vaginal candidiasis is more common. Men can develop a yeast infection, though the cases are not as common as in women. Typically, the yeast infection can heal on its own or after a few days of treatment.

Candida Albicans are known to be the yeast that causes vaginal infection. But the infection can also be caused by lesser candida species like the C.Glabrata. G.Krusel, and C.Tropicals. It is also essential to note that yeast infection can affect other parts of the body other than the penis.

When you notice you have a yeast infection, it is best to treat the condition as soon as possible. If you allow it to live in your body, it might lead to discomfort, pain, and even other embarrassing symptoms. If the infection gets into the bloodstream, it will result in severe complications. Learn more about the Yeast infection in men symptoms and the best way you can manage this condition.

What Causes A Male Yeast Infection?

In men, just like in women the yeast infection symptoms are caused by a fungus known as Candida Albicans. You may have a small amount of fungus living in your digestive tract, mouth, and moist parts of your skin. In women, the infection can be found in the vagina and other warm moist places like under the breasts. In most cases, the Candida yeast infection can go unnoticed. But if an overgrowth occurs due to an internal or external factor then it will cause a yeast infection.

How Does Yeast Infection Affect Men?

One of the ways that men can develop a yeast infection is by having unprotected sex with an infected partner. The condition can affect the penis, mouth, and skin.

What increases the possibility of men getting a yeast infection?

Some conditions in your body or skin might act as the breeding ground for yeast infection. You should learn about these conditions to know the best way to manage them. Here are some situations that will likely cause yeast infection in men

  • Taking Antibiotics for a Long Time.

  • Men who have diabetes.

  • Using steroids.

  • Leading an unhygienic lifestyle.

  • Being overweight.

  • Weakened immune system.

  • Uncircumcised men have a higher chance of developing a yeast infection.

  • Tight-fitting underwear.

  • Using condoms that have flavored lubricants.

  • Staying in humid environments.

Damaged skin.

If you are either male or female and have one of these symptoms then it will not mean that you will develop a yeast infection. These are just some general guidelines of condition that could possibly lead to one.

Yeast Infection in Men Symptoms.

Learning of the symptoms of yeast infection in men is crucial. With this knowledge, you will come up with the best strategy to manage the situation. Some signs you should watch out for are.

  • Redness of the penis tip.

  • Having a moist feeling at the penis tip.

  • Itchiness and burning of the penis tip.

  • White skin patches.

  • Soreness of the foreskin.

  • Swelling around the foreskin.

  • Having difficulty pulling back the foreskin.

  • Problems getting or maintaining an erection.

  • It might also be difficult for you to urinate.

  • Difficulty in keeping control of the urine stream.

Should I See A Doctor?

One of the concerns you might have if you notice that you have a yeast infection is visiting a doctor. You need to see a doctor help you with the condition as soon as you notice that you have the infection. If you ignore the condition, it could lead to you developing other complications.

Chronic balanitis can lead to the tightening and the narrowing of the foreskin. It could also narrow the urethral and cause change to the skin leukoplakia, and balanitis xerotica obliterates. That is why if you try to treat the condition and it does not clear out on its own, it is best to seek medical advice.

If your condition is severe, you should skip the home treatment and go to the doctor. The doctor will know the best way to manage the infection and may even prescribe antifungal drugs to clear it up as soon as possible. In my eyes prevention is better than cure and you should try and live a lifestyle that will allow your own body to fight against a yeast infection. For a natural and holistic approach to treating a yeast infection click >>>HERE<<<

You also need to see the doctor as soon as you notice that you have a Yeast infection in men symptoms and you either have a weak immune system or have diabetes. The reason being yeast infections is known to thrive in these conditions, and the sooner you have them treated, the better. If you ignore it, it might result in you dealing with more severe complications.

What To Expect When You Visit A Doctor

When you get to the hospital, your doctor will do a background check and ask about your symptoms. Diagnosing STD is not easy as many STD symptoms have the same effect. That is why it is advised that you do not self-diagnose the condition.

It is difficult for the infection to be diagnosed because the condition is like other STD symptoms. The doctor might have to physically check the penis to search for signs of yeast infection. In some situations, you might need to have some tests done. If that is the case, then the doctor will take a swab at the tip of the penis.

What complications can males experience when they have a yeast infection?

Yeast infection could bring forth some complications, especially if your immune system is weak. The disease can spread to the scrotum, buttocks, and inner thighs. If you do not take action on time, then you might develop invasive candidiasis. This is where the fungus gets spread into your bloodstream. The chances of developing candidiasis are high if you;

  • You are undergoing radiation or chemotherapy.

  • Need dialysis.

  • Have diabetes.

  • Are taking immunosuppressant's.

  • Have HIV.

  • Have central venous catheter.

Is It Possible To Tell When The Yeast Infection Is Spreading?

Yes, in case the infection starts to spread, your body will start reacting. Some signs that you have this complication are:

  • Chills.

  • Headache.

  • Fever.

  • Stomach complications.

If you notice any of the complications highlighted above, call a doctor as soon as possible. ( Actually by this stage you should have already seen a doctor )

Treating Male Yeast Infection.

Getting a yeast infection is uncomfortable, but luckily, treatment is simple. You can use over-the-counter prescription antifungal creams. You should apply twice a day. When you use this method, the infection should clear out in three weeks or less.

You can also use an antifungal drug like fluconazole to treat the infection. The yeast infection is likely to go away after undergoing a short treatment.

If you have oral thrush, it can be treated using antifungal mouthwash like Ketocanazle or the Mycelex Troche.

Since the infection can be transmitted to men through sexual intercourse, the partners need to be treated to reduce the possibility of re-infection. But if the woman has the disease, the risk of transmission is low, and there might be no need for the male to be treated. When you are undergoing treatment, you should use a condom.

Ways You Can Treat Yeast Infection At Home

If you get a yeast infection, you need to have the condition treated as soon as possible. Here are some home remedies you can use to help you treat yeast infections.

Tea Tree Oil.

Tea tree oil has many healing properties. According to studies, the oil offers antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, and antiviral benefits. The antifungal property found in the tea tree oil is used to treat the yeast infection when applied around the penis head. But, you should not apply concentrated tea tree oil to cause a burning sensation on the penis. It is best to have the product diluted in olive oil.


The use of garlic comes in handy as it has antibacterial and antifungal benefits. When you use the product on the infected region, it will reduce the side effects caused, which will lead to you enjoying the healing capabilities.


Yogurt is known to be a natural probiotic. When you add the product to your diet, it will lead to you getting positive bacteria growth. If that is the case, it will help you combat infections like Candida. You can simply do this by applying yogurt in the area that is infected. When you are using yogurt, make sure that the product you get is with live bacteria.

Apple Cider Vinegar.

The apple cider vinegar works as an antifungal when used against the Candida species of yeast. This is a product that can be used on the area topically. You should note that it has a strong smell, and you should dilute apple cider vinegar before applying because it could burn sensitive areas of skin like the penis tip.

Coconut Oil.

There are many benefits that you will get when you eat coconut. It is no wonder that many natural healers are known to recommend the use of this product. When you apply coconut oil to the infected part, it may help in reducing the yeast infection system you might have.

How Can One Prevent A Yeast Infection?

You can stop yeast infections from developing or recurring by using these methods.

  • Clean and dry the penis after bathing and taking a shower.

  • Use unscented skin products and soap.

  • Use a condom if you are having intimacy with someone who has a yeast infection or abstain until your partner is healed.

  • Wear loose fitting cotton underwear to prevent the moisture from building.

What To Do After Treatment

Note that yeast infections can return, and in some cases, they can be back as soon as you are done with the treatment. That is why men need to take care of their health to ensure that they do not get the infection again.

The first thing you need to do is to find out the cause of the infection. That will help you understand your condition better and develop the best strategy that can help you manage the situation. If the issue is caused by problems like diabetes, nutrition, and catheters, you might have to see a doctor who will examine you for some time and help you deal with the issue.

In some situations, the yeast infection might be caused by other health complications that need to be treated to cure the yeast infection.

Final Word

Yeast infection in men might be uncommon, but the condition is present. If you get it, it will lead to you getting uncomfortable and painful symptoms. That is why you need to manage the condition as soon as possible. If you use home remedies and find that the infection is persisting, you should seek medical advice. It is important for you to choose a doctor who is familiar with yeast infection in men so that they can give you the best guidance. Choose a health care expert who has been doing the job for a long time. That way, you can be sure you will get proper guidance.

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