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20 anti-inflammatory foods.

20 anti-inflammatory foods.
20 anti-inflammatory foods.

20 anti-inflammatory foods.

Inflammation is one of the leading causes of a host of medical issues from heart disease to arthritis and the inflammation is mostly caused by our diets.

Take sugar as an example, it is a highly addictive inflammatory causing drug yet it is in most foods and drinks that we consume on a daily basis.

In this video we will be looking at foods that have anti-inflammatory properties but there is a caveat.

If you want to beat inflammation you have to change your diet.

It is senseless to continue eating tons of sugar and then eat anti inflammatory foods and think everything will be ok.

You should also try to eat organic fruit and vegetables as much as possible to reduce the amount of toxins that you ingest.

For the best health results change your diet.

Cut back on sugars and add more of the following food types to your diet and exercising a few times a week will also help.

The food components that most likely help in causing inflammation are carbs, unhealthy fats and cholesterol.

1 Apple peel.

Being rich in polyphenols and flavonoids, apple peels have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

So the next time you eat an apple do not peel it but eat the fruit whole for the best health benefits.

2 Mushrooms.

Mushrooms are another vegetable with anti-inflammatory properties.

Take note not to eat them raw because cooking increases the bioavailability of the nutrients and they do taste better cooked.

Also stay away from farmed button mushrooms and buy organic only.

3 Sweet potatoes.

The main reason that sweet potatoes are a great anti-inflammatory aid is because it contains antioxidants like beta carotene.

Sweet potatoes are also a great replacement for normal potatoes and can aid in weight loss because they do not spike your insulin levels the same way that potatoes do.

4 Ginger.

Just like turmeric root ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Ginger is extremely easy to consume and probably the best way is dried ginger root capsules that are filled with finely ground ginger.

5 Papaya.

I have to be honest that this is not a tropical fruit that I like simply because I grew up in a region where it was farmed and you could always find papaya in our house.

Papaya contains papain that is a potent anti-inflammatory compound and this fruit was called the fruit of angels by Christopher Columbus.

6 Cayenne Pepper.

Struggling with inflammation while at the same time loving spicy food?

Well cayenne pepper is another inflammation fighting super food that you can eat to help you combat inflammation.

The capsaicinoids in peppers that are responsible for the burn is also the compound that helps with the combatting of inflammation.

Hot peppers have also been used to help with digestion.

7 Chia Seeds.

Belonging to the mint family but being totally neutral tasting these seeds have been used for centuries by ancient cultures to reduce ailments like joint pain.

Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the most powerful anti inflammatory compounds in nature and is also beneficial for your brain.

Chia seeds contain more omega 3 fatty acids by weight than salmon.

Add Chia seeds to your diet to assist in lowering inflammation naturally.

8 Nuts.

Nuts have been known as a healthy snack for a long time and they do have anti-inflammatory properties because of the healthy oils and antioxidants that they contain.

However some nuts are better for you than others.

Nuts are also extremely versatile and can be used as a snack on their own or by adding it to your main meal.

9 Tea.

Tea, especially green tea, is packed full of health benefits so much that they will need their own video explaining everything.

Green tea has a mild anti-inflammatory effect and is also known to increase your metabolism leading to weight loss.

10 Cinnamon.

This healthy spice is probably one of the easiest to consume.

It has great anti-inflammatory properties and can also give your immune system a boost.

Sprinkle some over your coffee or the oatmeal that you eat in the morning.

11 Garlic.

This wonderful herb also has more health benefits that can be named here but does contain strong anti inflammatory properties.

It is also so easy to consume from fresh garlic cloves to garlic water.

Mixing garlic with honey will add to the anti-inflammatory properties of this amazing herb.

We also made a video about garlic so take a look at the description for the link to the video.

Garlic can also be rubbed directly on skin conditions associated with inflammation like acne.

12 Dark leafy greens like Kale and spinach.

Vitamin E that is found in dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale and broccoli have been shown to help fight against inflammation causing compounds.

13 Avocado.

Avocados are so full of healthy fats it is no wonder that they make it onto almost every diet available today.

Avocados contain oleic acid, omega 3 fatty acid, vitamin E and a host of antioxidants making it extremely nutritious and great for helping to get inflammation under control.

14 Grapes.

Grapes with the skin on and even red wine are full of antioxidants that can help with heart disease and inflammation.

But please do not take this out of context because red wine should be consumed in moderation and people who suffer from gout should rather stay away from it.

Grapes are also a great alternative to sugary sweets if you want to consume less sugar.

Less sugar will also mean less inflammation.

15 Turmeric.

This root has long been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent but that is not where the benefits of turmeric stop.

In the description you will find a link to a video that goes into detail what health benefits turmeric has.

16 Flaxseed.

Just two tablespoons of ground flaxseed contain 130% of the recommended daily allowance of omega 3 fatty acids.

Like previously mentioned Omega 3 is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory compound.

17 Fish.

Wild fish like salmon and trout are full of omega 3 fatty acids but always remember to try and eat wild fish instead of farmed fish.

Eating fish twice weekly will give your body enough omega 3 to help fight against inflammation or you can substitute it with a high quality fish oil.

18 Extra virgin olive oil.

Good oils like olive oil, coconut oil and omega 3 are essential for our bodies and easy to consume.

Olive oil and the large amounts of fish eaten by Mediterranean people may be the reason that they have such low cases of heart disease.

Olive oil contains natural anti-inflammatory compounds and is a great substitute for other vegetable oils and butter.

19 Blueberries.

Blueberries are full of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can reduce inflammation and even fight against cancer.

Other berries like raspberries and strawberries also have the same properties and these fruits are easy to make part of your daily diet but do remember to stick to organic berries.

20 Broccoli.

All that I am going to say is that this vegetable has anti-inflammatory properties and should be eaten as often as possible.

For more information on this wonder vegetable take a look at the link in the description for a stunning TED X talk on broccoli and its health benefits.

There are so many other natural foods that we can eat to help fight inflammation but in my opinion on their own they will not be as effective.

If you want to beat inflammation then a complete lifestyle change should be undertaken and the first thing that should go out the window is sugar.

Yes, that super drug is probably the single compound that causes the most health issues for us humans because we are basically forced to eat it in huge amounts.

Getting sugar out of your diet sounds impossible but it can be done.

Start to eat more of the foods listed in this video and do not forget to start to exercise to help your body become stronger.

Good luck on your journey to beat inflammation.

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