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What is the Benefits of Carrot Juice?

Updated: May 17, 2021

Yes all of us know that yellow vegetable called a carrot and most of us love to eat it but I guess that most people don't know all the health benefits that a carrot contains.

Carrots are versatile and can be used in many dishes but the best way to consume them to get the maximum benefits out of them is either raw or juiced and as always only eat organic vegetables.

Although carrot juice is an extremely healthy drink it should be taken in moderation.

Although the juice is packed full of vitamins and minerals it contains virtually no fibre so eating it raw or cooked will keep you fuller for longer and also help with weight gain.

Carrots originally originated from Pakistan, Iran and Iraq but have been domesticated through the centuries into the ones we know today.

We have the Dutch to thank for the orange variety that we eat today and that is cultivated all over the world.

Now let us take a look at what are the benefits of carrot juice.

1: Highly Nutritious

According to the USDA one 240ML cup of carrot juice contains the following.

Apart from the nutrients listed in the image above carrot juice also contains the following.

Carrot juice is also packed full of antioxidants that help fight unstable molecules called free radicals and this can help in preventing and fighting cancer.

2: Healthy skin.

Regular consumption of carrot juice could lead to a healthy skin and the reason for this is again the potassium on carrots.

Potassium helps reduce skin dryness and blemishes and also improves your skin tone.

Potassium also helps impro hydration and that means your skin will stay moisturized.

The vitamin A contained in carrots also helps combat skin related problems like eczema, dermatitis, and rashes.

The vitamin C in carrots also helps in the production in collagen that helps to provide elasticity and strength to your skin.

Beta carotenoids help to reduce sunburn and also help to increase the skin's resistance against the sun.

3: Increase Oxygen Carrying Capacity

Another element that can be found in carrots in abundance is iron.

Iron is responsible for oxygen uptake into the bloodstream and the more oxygenated your blood is the harder and longer you will be able to do strenuous exercises.

4: Improves Bone Health

Here the different types of vitamins that are contained in carrots come into play.

Vitamin K is an essential element for the protein building process and also helps with the binding of calcium that in turn leads to a faster healing of broken bones.

Potassium also helps to improve bone health and carrots are full of it.

5: Strong Diuretic

Urination is extremely important for our health and wellness.

Excess body fat and bile and uric acid is excreted through our urin.

So if you are struggling to urinate then adding carrot juice to your diet once a day could help you solve that problem.

6: Healthy Pregnancy

Carrot juice can be a healthy addition to your diet during and after your pregnancy.

Carrots are full of potassium, magnesium, folate, vitamin A and calcium making it an extremely healthy drink during a pregnancy when you need the added vitamins for you and your baby.

Folate helps to prevent birth defects and calcium helps your baby to develop strong bones and cartilage.

The vitamin C and A are powerful antioxidants protecting mother and child from free radicals and boosting the immune system lowering the risk of infections.

7: Lowers Cholesterol

Adding carrot juice to your diet is a healthy natural way to help combat high cholesterol.

The reason for this is that carrots contain potassium that helps to reduce bad cholesterol and lower cholesterol levels means a lower risk in heart attack or stroke.

If you are on cholesterol medication then please do not just stop using it and start chugging carrot juice, consult a doctor first.

8: Controls Heart Disease and Improves Immune System

Another benefit of vitamin A and beta carotene is that it can help to ward off germs.

Vitamin A can also help to prevent the onset of heart disease and it also keeps the internal lining of the organs healthy.

Carrot juice is also high in vitamin B6 with a 240ML glass containing 30% of the recommended daily value.

Vitamin B6 is necessary for optimal immune response and a deficiency in vitamin B6 is linked to a weakened immune system.

Carrot juice is a good source of potassium and a high potassium diet has been shown to help protect against high blood pressure.

So to help keep your ticker going for longer and carrot juice to your diet.

9: Good for your Eyes

Yes this one is the most obvious one of them all and everybody has been taught this from childhood. Carrots contain many nutrients that can be beneficial to eye health but the one we are interested in here is Beta Carotene that are found in orange colored fruits and vegetables like carrots, pumpkins and melons.

Beta carotene is converted into Vitamin A in the body when consumed.

Carrots contain the following antioxidants beta carotene a type of vitamin A and lutein.

Both of these powerful antioxidants help to protect the eyes and contribute to strong vision.

Studies have also found that carrots can help to fight certain eye disorders, such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and blindness.

10: Controls Blood Sugar Levels

Magnesium, manganese and carotenoids that are found in carrots can help to stabilize your blood sugar levels and lessen the weight gain associated with diabetes.

Insulin resistance is also affected by carotenoids thus reducing blood sugar levels.

Carrot juice also has a low GI Index and that means it does not cause your insulin levels to spike like when drinking a soda.

11: Anti ageing Effect

Our body converts beta carotene into vitamin A.

Vitamin A reduces cell degeneration and thus slows down the ageing process.

It also improves the amount of collagen in the skin which helps keep your skin firm and healthy and improves your skin's elasticity.

12: Liver Cleanser

Carrot juice is an amazing detoxing agent and can even help prevent weight gain.

Adding carrot juice to your normal or detoxing diet can help your liver to get rid of toxins.

When the liver functions well, it prevents the accumulation of fat and aids in its rapid digestion.

When your liver does not function properly it can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

NAFLD is normally caused by being overweight and a poor diet. Carrot juice can help you lose weight and the antioxidants help fight against NAFLD

13: Helps build muscles.

Like already mentioned carrots contain a lot of vitamin A but it also contains Phosphorus.

Vitamin A helps your body to recuperate after a hard workout session while phosphorus maintains and repairs muscle.

14: Anti cancer properties.

Now we are not saying that carrot juice is a cancer treatment but studies have revealed that the antioxidants that are found in carrot juice can help to fight against cancer causing free radicals.

14: Acne prevention.

The reason that carrot juice could possibly help get rid of stubborn acne is because it is full of vitamins and minerals that aids in detoxing your body.

So go the natural route and start adding carrot juice to your daily diet.

15: Metabolism Increases

The reason that carrot juice can increase your metabolism is because it is rich in vitamin B complex.

Vitamin B complex helps in the breaking down of fat, glucose and proteins.

An added benefit of increasing your metabolism is that you can even lose weight without exercising.

Precautions for using carrot juice

Just because carrot juice is loaded with vitamins and minerals does not mean you can consume as much of it as you want.

If you drink carrot juice and your skin starts to get an orange color then you are consuming too much. This is because of the Beta Carotene and although it is not harmful it may be alarming. The simple fix to this problem is to remove all sources of Beta Carotene.

Diabetics should take care even though carrot juice does not spike your insulin levels like soft drinks do; it still contains less fiber than whole carrots and this causes sugar to be absorbed much more quickly. If taken in large quantities this could lead to your insulin levels spiking.

Overall carrot juice is extremely healthy to your health it should still be taken into moderation and not used as a cure all on its own especially if you have a current condition.

Please always seek medical advice first before attempting any alternative form of medication or treatment.

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