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Benefits of Fennel Tea

Updated: May 17, 2021

9 Health Benefits Of Drinking Fennel Tea Every Day.

Another herb that has been used for centuries to strengthen eyesight, help with digestion, improve your memory and regulate hormones fennel was originally from the meditiranian but now grown all over the globe.

Fennel can be used to make a rather potent and strong smelling tea with a slightly bitter aftertaste that tastes a little bit like licorice.

Fennel has a mild licorice flavor but the seeds taste a lot stronger because of the high concentration of essential oils in them.

Fennel is also low in calories and contains the following vitamins and minerals.

  • Vitamin C

  • Calcium

  • Iron

  • Magnesium

  • Potassium

  • Manganese

Now before we go into the benefits of fennel tea I do have a warning about the consumption of fennel tea and the use in treatment of any illness or disorder.

One should always be careful about the amount of fennel you take on a daily basis because excessive consumption could lead to an allergic reaction.

Pregnant and nursing women should also avoid fennel as well as children under five years old and people with hyperthyroidism.

You should always consult a healthcare practitioner before using any natural remedy to treat any sickness or disorder.

Fennel tea is extremely easy to make and just requires a teaspoon of seeds and a cup of boiling water.

Let it steep for 15 minutes and enjoy with some honey.

The tea can be taken 2 to 3 times daily but always take into consideration the negative side effects and reduce the amount that you consume should any show.

The rest of the fresh plant can be used in many dishes but as always only use organic vegetables so that you do not ingest any of the pesticides used on farmed vegetables.

Some of the health benefits of fennel tea may include the following.

  • Powerful Antioxidant

  • Fights Free Radicals

  • Respiratory aid

  • Sleep Aid

  • Digestive Aid

  • Eliminates fluid retention

  • Antifungal and antibacterial properties

  • Breast milk Production

  • Breath Freshener

1: Antioxidant Properties

This is in my opinion probably one of the more important benefits of fennel tea.

The reason for this is that antioxidants help to fight free radicals and that has so many health benefits for your body.

Antioxidants help to fight a host of diseases like cancer and autoimmune disorders and this lessens the load on your liver, kidneys and other organs and helps in cell production that could lessen the signs of aging.

2: Respiratory Aid

Some of the respiratory issues that can be treated with fennel at home are Bronchitis and chronic cough and it can also help to eliminate phlegm.

If you suffer from these conditions then a warm cup of fennel tea could be just the thing that you need to help you get better.

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3: Sleep Aid

One of the ancient remedies for the treatment of insomnia was fennel tea.

Fennel tea is a great way to unwind after a long hard day because fennel tea has the ability to help relax your muscles.

This relaxing effect of fennel tea is the reason it can help you sleep better and for an added kick add a teaspoon of organic raw honey that will also help you relax.

4: Digestive Aid

Ancient cultures like the Egyptians and Romans have known about the health benefits of fennel for centuries.

Scientists have found that the consumption of Fennel spontaneously increases bowel movements and the secretion of gastric acid.

It may sound contradictory but fennel tea can actually also help to ease diarrhea by calming your digestive tract.

Fennel tea can help in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and could also decrease the amount of pain from chronic colitis.

5: Eliminates fluid Retention

Fennel is a natural diuretic and can thereby help to fight fluid retention and the bloating that comes with the condition.

This will also help lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health.

6: Fights Infection

One of the benefits of fennel tea is the antimicrobial and antifungal properties. This led to the use of fennel tea in the treatment of colds and flu so if you feel a flu coming give fennel tea a go.

You can add a teaspoon of honey to the fennel tea to sweeten it a bit and guess what? Honey is also a strong antimicrobial agent.

7: Breastmilk Production

This is a grey area in the benefits of fennel tea because it has not been scientifically proven but there is anecdotal evidence that suggests that fennel tea can help to improve the quality and quantity of breast milk and it has been used for this reason in folk medicine for centuries.

You should however not consume fennel tea when you are pregnant because estrogen captivated in the fennel oil could confuse your body that is already running wild on hormones.

8: Breath Freshener

The original breath freshener fennel tea has antibacterial properties that can help the growth of bacteria in your mouth that causes bad breath.

Drinking a cup of fennel tea in the morning could help get rid of morning breath and give a fresh licorice flavor in your month that is to say if you like the smell of licorice.

How to make fennel tea?

The ease of making this tea should be one of the benefits of fennel tea.

I am an advocate of organic foods and with fennel it is not any different.

If you can grow your own fennel without the use of pesticides you will have a healthier product.

You can also buy crushed fennel seeds from a whole foods store that will also work great.

After you harvested the fennel seeds they should be dried on a sheet of paper in the sun for a couple of days.

You should then proceed to crush them and store in an airtight container.

The whole seeds could also be stored until needed.

Making the tea is as simple as steeping the crushed seeds in hot water for 5 to 10 minutes.

Take note that the strength of the fennel tea will depend on the amount of seeds used and the time they are steeped in hot water so play around until you find the perfect combination that suits your taste.

Fennel Tea Risks

Even though most adults can safely tolerate fennel and the FDA recognizes it as safe there are a couple of safety precautions that should be taken into consideration.

Some people say that fennel helps with colic in infants but this is a big but you should always consult a pediatrician before giving any remedy to your baby.

Like already mentioned, fennel tea should not be consumed when you are pregnant because the fennel seed oil could mess with your hormones.

Fennel is also part of the carrot family that includes celery and mugwort and individuals who are allergic to carrots should take care when drinking fennel tea.

Take care when using fennel tea if you have a bleeding disorder or are using blood thinners.

Thank you so much for watching and please share this video with your friends.

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