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Yeast Infection Causes-The Untold Truth Behind The Cause Of Your Yeast Infection!!

Updated: May 16, 2021

yeast infection causes

Your first step in curing your Candida yeast infection is education about this often dangerous, painful and annoying chronic condition and the first step in taking responsibility for your own health.

Yeast infection also known by the name Candida is in fact a common condition because three out of four women develop this often overlooked condition in their lives yet few actually know what yeast infection causes are.

Few people are educated about the often risky complications of yeast infections and presume that it should be treated superficially with creams and medication like antibiotics.

Yeast infection causes are first and foremost an internal condition that like all chronic conditions cannot be cured by superficial treatments. The root of the yeast infection causes should be taken care of from the beginning to prevent this ugly fungal problem to raise its ugly head in the future.

Unfortunately most people suffering from yeast infections choose not to take responsibility for their own health and would rather turn to over the counter medication to temporarily solve the problem when the permanent solution is actually staring them right in the eye.

With the advent of the internet age and all the information that is freely available today it is not surprising that you may be confused by all the often conflicting information about conditions like Candida vaginitis.

Unfortunately in our search for a cure for a yeast infection most of us are often misled by the many products out there that often cost an arm and a leg and seldom bring long term relief.

In today's day and age of the internet you have to be extremely careful to navigate through all the conflicting, dishonest and misleading information and products available that all too often promise a quick yeast infection cure just to get your hard earned money.

If you are sick and tired of your yeast infection then take heart because there are holistic health practices and treatments that could eliminate the symptoms and also cure the root of your yeast infection causes irrespective of the severity, location or type.

Identifying the symptoms and being aware of the real yeast infection causes is paramount for you to effectively overcome your candida yeast infection.

Knowing what dietary guidelines to follow to maintain a Candida free environment and what complementary treatments to help battle your Candida yeast infection is also of the utmost importance to help you stay free from yeast infections.

Knowledge is power and you should embrace it and educate yourself about yeast infection causes and how to stop the condition in its tracks. It is my hope that this article will inspire you to take the necessary steps to change your life in such a way that your candida infection will be cured from the inside out and give you a healthier and more vibrant life that will make you feel more in control.

At the end of the day nobody wants to sit with the frustration, annoyance, pain and humiliation that often accompanies a condition like candida.

yeast infection causes

Metal Toxicity Connection to Yeast Infection Causes

From the day we are born our bodies have an uphill battle to rid itself effectively from toxins that could manifest itself in a variety of health problems like candida albicans overgrowth that could cause the symptoms of yeast infection to appear.

These toxins and harmful chemicals are found in our environment, our food and water and even our dental fillings and are most often found in the form of heavy metals that are extremely toxic to our bodies.

It is no wonder that people are suffering from all different kinds of conditions and autoimmune disorders.

Some of the conditions that can result because of toxic metal build up are listed below.

  • Skin conditions.

  • Autoimmune disorders.

  • Poor elimination.

  • Brain and nerve damage.

  • Slower healing.

  • Immune system failure.

  • Genetic alteration.

  • Allergies.

  • Hormonal Imbalance.

These are just some of the conditions that could be caused by different toxins and heavy metals and be one of the yeast infection causes.

An anaerobic and acidic environment is the perfect place to encourage the growth of Candida Yeast infection and this is exactly what heavy metals like lead, mercury and silver do that we consume on a daily basis through our food and our environment.

Our bodies are an amazingly complicated machine that helps to defend us against environmental hazards but at the same time can also cause different conditions especially if it has to maintain certain defensive processes.

Our intestines release a layer of mucus over the intestinal linings to prevent heavy metals from being absorbed into our bloodstream when they are detected by our bodies.

The problem is that this defensive mucus creates an anaerobic environment that promotes the growth of the candida yeast infection.

The large amount of heavy metals found in some individuals bind to candida and cause the yeast overgrowth all the while your body fights a desperate battle to protect itself.

If you really want to stop candida yeast infection then a deep heavy metal detoxification along with a proper diet and exercise is necessary for promoting long term health and restoring the balance of your body.

yeast infection causes

Yeast Infection Causes: Candida Yeast Infection Treatment

Immunotherapy is a rather effective but one dimensional treatment to help battle candida yeast infection.

The first thing that Candida Yeast infection sufferers should do on this treatment is to avoid all yeasty and sugary foods and then take an allergenic substance normally in diluted doses to help strengthen the immune abilities of the body and help prevent allergic reactions.

Low dose allergens or LDA is a new form of a treatment called (EPD) enzyme potentiated desensitization that was developed in the mid 1960’s by Len McEwen MD.

EDP treatment is administered in the following way.

  • Sparanox administered ten days before the first injection. ( Antifungal for systemic Candida )

  • De-Nol also administered ten days before the first injections. This reduces the ability of candida to plant roots in the mucus lining of your intestines.

  • For three days before the first injection a fast from all food allergens that could be responsible for yeast infection causes is undertaken with the intake of the following supplements that improve the effectiveness of the EPD treatment. Folic acid, vitamin D3 and zinc.

Because each of us differs from one another the EPD treatment will also have different effects on each person.

Some people may experience immediate relief from the candida symptoms while other people need larger doses over a longer timeframe to have more noticeable results.

No matter how you look at it EPD is only a temporary solution because it is a one dimensional treatment that only treats the dietary and allergy reaction that triggered the candida but does nothing to combat the yeast infection causes.

The effectiveness of EPD may wear off over time and tends to be less effective if you have pre existing conditions like gut problems and bacterial infections.

The only way to find permanent relief from candida yeast infection is to tackle and eliminate the yeast infection causes.

By fixing the internal cause of the candida yeast infection in a holistic way you could get rid of candida forever and banish all the candida related symptoms while feeling more healthy at the same time.

yeast infection causes

Yeast Infection Causes: The Secret Dietary Treatment

It has been proven over and over again that our diets are one of the leading causes of different medical conditions that we suffer from today and candida is no exception. The right diet plan could be extremely effective in preventing and even curing certain chronic conditions.

Before we go more deeply into what diet you should be on to prevent candida let's take a look at what candida is and what conditions cause the candida yeast infection.

Candida is just a scientific name for a certain type of bacteria that is found all over your body. Now in a healthy body these bacteria are kept in check by other beneficial bacteria and a healthy immune system but in an unhealthy body this delicate balance could easily be wrecked.

Because candida bacteria are mobile they could cause a localized or systemic infection.

In an unhealthy environment candida yeast infection can cause a root like structure that attacks the mucous membranes in the intestines and causes the symptoms related to candida yeast infection.

Diet is one of the major factors that causes candida and adhering to a diet plan that helps to combat candida yeast infection is one of the first steps if you want to fight candida in a holistic approach.

Here are a couple of rules that should be adhered to when following a candida diet along with other nutritional and lifestyle principles.

Yeast Infection Causes

  • Refined sugar and carbohydrates should be avoided at all cost if you suffer from candida yeast infection. The reason for this is that candida bacteria feeds on refined sugar and carbohydrates and can grow out of control if excessive amounts of these foods are consumed. Replacing sugar with an alternative like stevia and carbs with gluten free alternatives like brown rice and buckwheat bread could already make a big difference in your fight against candida.

  • Any food type that contains either yeast or mold should rather be avoided. Examples are mushrooms, white vinegar, canned vegetables and dried fruits.

  • Some nutritionists recommend that you stop using antibiotics or dairy products that may contain them because antibiotics can kill off healthy bacteria and debilitate your immune system that could prevent your body from fighting against candida yeast infection. You will need a strong immune system to help you combat against yeast infection causes and a great natural remedy that could help you strengthen your immune system is garlic. Please consult a healthcare practitioner first before stopping any medication like antibiotics.

  • Dairy products in particular cow's milk products should be avoided because they take longer to digest, could cause allergic reactions and also be the cause of excessive mucus. Digestive problems and allergies are some of the main yeast infection factors and better alternatives to cow's milk products are organic goat and sheep milk products.

  • Another important factor in combating candida is maintaining the right blood PH level. A scale from zero to fourteen is used in the measurement of PH level with fourteen being the most alkaline, zero the most acidic and seven being neutral. A blood acidity level between PH 7.35 and 7.45 is the optimal level for bodily functions. Any extra acidity in the blood forms the perfect conditions for candida to thrive in that is why an alkaline diet is recommended to restore the PH balance in your body and help you fight against the candida yeast infection.

  • Foods rich in betacarotene that are converted into vitamin A in our bodies should be on everybody who suffers from a yeast infections diet, because they could offer some protection against yeast infections.

yeast infection causes

Yeast Infection Causes: Yeast infection During Pregnancy

Does pregnancy make a woman's body more prone to contracting candida yeast infection?

Many women worry about this question and the simple answer is that you are twice as likely to contract a yeast infection while you are pregnant.

Vaginal yeast infection is characterized by a thick white cottage cheese like secretion from the vagina that causes discomfert during sex.

Western women tend to suffer from candida at a rate of one in every three women will develop candida yeast infection once in their lives with many enduring chronic yeast infection.

The most frequent yeast infection that women is western countries suffer from is vaginal yeast infection that can lead to itching and burning especially around the vagina.

Candida bacteria is found in the intestinal and genital tracts of most adults but it is an overgrowth of the bacteria that causes problems and even serious health complications.

Like most other medical conditions candida usually comes about because of a host of factors and other related interactions.

Another factor that may lead to candida overgrowth is emotional stress and since many women suffer from stress during pregnancy they would also be more prone to developing candida yeast infection. . Stress has been shown to degrade the immune system and thus could lead to an overgrowth of candida.

Anther reason that women may be more susceptible to yeast infections while pregnant is because of cravings. Pregnant women normally develop cravings for sugary and carbohydrate rich foods while pregnant and although they may like this it could cause the perfect conditions for candida to thrive.

Hormonal changes in a pregnant woman's body could also lead to candida bacteria overgrowth in the vaginal area beyond acceptable limits.

Yeast infection causes while pregnant are extremely varied because they could have many different underlying causes and while pregnant if you develop a candida yeast infection many of the normal treatments like antibiotics and antifungals could be off limits to you. That is why you should find a safe and holistic treatment that wont endanger your baby.

A holistic approach is a safe way to treat candida by applying lifestyle changes, dietary changes and also getting rid of toxins. Holistic treatment could end candida in its tracks and also stop any recurrence from happening.

Pregnant women who suffer from a candida yeast infection can use a holistic approach to rid themselves of candida in a safe and permanent way.

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