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Health Benefits of Cucumber

Updated: May 17, 2021

Health Benefits of Cucumber

Full of water this fruit boasts a host of health benefits for your body.

Yes cucumber is a fruit and not a vegetable as commonly thought of.

Cucumbers are extremely versatile and are almost always eaten raw and are loaded full of plant compounds and antioxidants that could help in the prevention and the treatment of certain conditions.

They can be eaten just as is or in salads or even juiced for a healthy refreshing drink.

The health benefits of a cucumber are numerous but you have to eat organic vegetables to get the full benefit because commercially grown cucumbers are sprayed with pesticides that you do not want in your body.

Here are 11 Health benefits that cucumbers can offer you.

1:Health Benefits of Cucumber: Protecting the Brain

The flavanol called Fistein that is found in cucumbers have been shown to play an important role in brain health.

It is also known to protect your nerve cells and improve your memory and has been found to prevent memory and learning impairments in mice.

2:Health Benefits of Cucumber: Diabetic Aid and Reduction in Blood Pressure

Cucumber juice contains a hormone that is needed by the pancreas in the production of insulin.

Cucumber juice also contains a lot of Potassium, Magnesium and fiber that helps to regulate and to reduce blood pressure.

The potassium in cucumber may help reduce sodium induced water retention and thereby lower your blood pressure.

Another way that cucumber could help lower blood pressure is by helping you lose weight.

Losing weight is normally also linked to an improvement in blood pressure levels and also blood sugar levels.

All this helps to maintain a healthy heart and circulatory system

3:Health Benefits of Cucumber: Anti Inflammatory

Studies have shown that cucumber can help reduce the inflammatory response system in the body.

This is done partially by inhibiting the pro-inflammatory enzymes in the body.

Inflammation has been linked to the following conditions.

  • Depression

  • Cancer

  • Diabetes

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Autoimmune disease

  • Heart disease

A healthy diet leads to a healthier body so make cucumber part of your daily diet.

4:Health Benefits of Cucumber: Antioxidant Properties

Cucumbers contain antioxidants like Vitamin C, beta carotene, Quercetin and Kaempherol.

Quercetin has been shown to prevent histamine release making it a natural antihistamine while Kaempferol can help fight cancer and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Antioxidants also help protect against free radicals that have been linked with cancer, autoimmune and heart and lung disease.

5:Health Benefits of Cucumber: Stronger Bones

Vitamin K that is found in cucumbers is also linked to bone strength and health because it increases calcium absorption.

Just take note that Vitamin K causes blood to clot so consult your doctor before adding a lot of cucumber to your diet if you use any blood thinners.

6:Health Benefits of Cucumber: Healthy skin and hair

For healthy and shiny hair use cucumber juice as a conditioner for your hair.

If you do not like to eat the skins then do not throw them away.

They can be used to reduce the puffiness of swollen eyes because of the anti inflammatory properties that they possess.

7:Health Benefits of Cucumber: Reducing the Risk of Cancer

Cucumbers are full of polyphenols and phytonutrients that both contain anti cancer properties and could possibly reduce the risk of breast, uterine, ovarian and prostate cancer.

8:Health Benefits of Cucumber: Breath Freshener.

Cucumber can be used as a breath freshener by putting a slice in your mouth to get rid of odor causing bacteria.

9:Health Benefits of Cucumber: Weight Management

Cucumbers are fiber rich and help you to feel fuller for longer.

They also have very little calories and are nutrient dense meaning they are the perfect snack when you are on a diet.

A 300 gram unpeeled piece of cucumber contains the following.

  • Calories: 45

  • Total fat: 0 grams

  • Carbs: 11 grams

  • Protein: 2 grams

  • Fiber: 2 grams

  • Vitamin C: 14% of the RDI

  • Vitamin K: 62% of the RDI

  • Magnesium: 10% of the RDI

  • Potassium: 13% of the RDI

  • Manganese: 12% of the RDI

10:Health Benefits of Cucumber: Stress relief.

B vitamins like B1, B5 and B7 are known to help reduce anxiety and the damaging effects of stress and a cucumber happens to be full of them.

So next time that you are feeling stressed out just eat a couple slices of cucumber.

11:Health Benefits of Cucumber: Curing a Bad Hangover.

If you had a rough night out drinking then the following day will probably be dreadful because of your hangover.

Eating cucumber before going to bed can replenish sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes thus reducing your hangover and the headache.

12:Health Benefits of Cucumber: Promotes Hydration.

Cucumber consists of about 96% water and therefore one of the health benefits of cucumber is that it promotes hydration.

Staying well hydrated has so many health benefits from metabolism regulation to physical performance and neurological function.

Even a small drop in your hydration level could have a marked effect on your health and wellbeing that is why it is important to stay hydrated.

Most of us get our daily water intake from drinking fluids but water rich foods like cucumbers and watermelons are a great addition to your diet that will also help you stay hydrated.

13:Health Benefits of Cucumber: Help Regulate Bowel Movements

Like already mentioned cucumber helps you to stay hydrated because of the high water content.

Dehydration is a major factor in constipation and staying hydrated could help improve bowel movements and prevent constipation.

Pectin, a water soluble fiber found in cucumber, can also help improve bowel movement frequency.

For a healthy gut start adding cucumber to your diet or better yet lacto fermented cucumber.

Health Benefits of Cucumber: Conclusion

Cucumbers are one of the most refreshing, nutritious and versatile fruits today that is a great addition to any diet.

Adding cucumbers to your diet could lead to so many different health benefits like staying hydrated and fighting cancer and other autoimmune diseases.

When choosing a cucumber go for a firm one that does not have shriveled ends.

Cucumbers should also be washed before eating because some producers give them a wax coating after picking.

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