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Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic

Updated: May 17, 2021

health benefits of raw garlic

Garlic is an extremely versatile vegetable.

It lends an amazing taste to foods especially on pizza or pasta but it can also be consumed as garlic water or as part of a smoothie.

Whole garlic cloves can also be swallowed like a pill.

But did you know that garlic also has a plethora of health benefits for your body.

This wonderful vegetable has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years and even has magical properties like keeping vampires at bay.

Consuming fresh organically grown garlic is always the best and with smoothie diets bieng an easy or popular way to consume garlic there is no reason for you not to make it part of your diet.

It is as easy as adding one clove or garlic to your favorite smoothie recipe.

Now I must admit that garlic is not a replacement for your normal medication if you suffer from one of the following ailments but it could possibly help you alot.

So if you are interested in learning more about this wonder herb then stay tuned.

But before we continue please subscribe to my channel and share this video with your friends.

Now let us take a look at 13 health benefits of garlic.

1:Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic: Helps fight Blood Clots

Blood clots possess a real danger to your health and can open you up to a number of health issues.

If you develop one your doctor can suggest steps to reduce the risk of a second one but take comfort you can do this naturally.

Allicin is the magic ingredient here again and it can help the formation of new blood clots in the body.

Studies done in the US suggest that fresh garlic should be consumed on a daily basis to help combat blood clots and a host of other medical issues mentioned in this video.

It is worth mentioning that garlic is not a replacement for medicines already being used but a natural supplement to help your body combat a host of medical issues.

2: Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic : Prevents Hair Loss

The reason that garlic could help in the prevention of hair loss is because of the mineral selenium.

Like Allicin, Selenium also helps with blood circulation and better blood circulation will give the hair follicles all the nutrients that they need for better growth.

Garlic juice taken on a daily basis could give you a fuller head of hair or a thicker beard.

3:Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic: Healthy Skin

Any natural substance that reduces inflammation is a benefit to your skin.

Like already mentioned garlic is full of Allicin that has strong anti inflammatory properties.

Garlic could help with outbreaks and even prevent outbreaks of Psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.

Garlic can also be used to get rid of acne.

Many beauty bloggers recommend rubbing the garlic on your face to get rid of whiteheads but you could also make a face mask from garlic, tea tree oil, egg whites and honey to help soothe and hydrate an inflamed skin

4:Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic: Detoxing

The detox diet has taken the world by storm in the last couple of years and the easiest way is with a smoothie diet.

Now raw garlic may not be the best tasting herb on earth but there is no denying the health benefits.

The easiest way to consume it would be in a smoothie with other vegetables like carrots, beets and celery to mask the taste.

When your body does not carry a large amount of toxins then it is better able to fight against diseases and infections.

5:Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic: Aphrodisiac

Garlic has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries.

This may seem odd but fresh garlic juice helps with circulation and this is because of the Allicin that stimulates blood flow to certain intimate areas in both men and women.

Now what to do about the garlic breath you will probably have.

6:Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic: Immune System Boost

Having a healthy immune system can help you fight all manner of diseases and prevention is better than cure so make garlic a part of your daily diet.

The reason garlic could boost your immune system is because it contains antioxidant, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties all wrapped up in one easy to swallow package.

7:Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic: Anti cancer Agent.

So many of the vegetables on this channel have the amazing property to help combat cancer.

Garlic juice is thought to be effective in helping your body to fight against cancer because of the Allicin in Garlic juice and the other antioxidant properties.

Many types of cancer start with inflammation and garlic juice being a natural anti inflammatory agent could help you stay cancer free.

8:Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic: Cholesterol reduction.

Garlic has properties that could help you reduce bad LDL cholesterol and this will help your heart stay strong and healthy and firing on all cylinders.

9:Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic: Tuberculosis Prevention.

Garlic may help in the prevention and the spread of tuberculosis.

The reason for this is the element called Allicin that helps to prevent the replication of bacteria in the body.

Because tuberculosis is such a contagious bacterium people that have it and those that do not could benefit immensely from Garlic.

10:Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic: Normalizes blood glucose levels.

Garlic contains over 400 different chemicals that will help your body firing on all cylinders and people with type 2 diabetes may see a benefit in adding garlic to their daily diet.

Garlic also helps to boost natural levels of insulin thereby regulating blood sugar levels.

11:Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic: Eye Health

The antimicrobial properties of garlic have a real benefit to your eye health.

Garlic also contains plenty of sulpher that has been proven to help prevent cataracts.

Cataracts are one of those eye illnesses that plagues many people especially when they get older.

The anti inflammatory properties of garlic can also help combat eye diseases especially those that occur due to diabetes.

12:Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic: Common cold, cough and asthma Reductions

Now one should not stop using your asthma medications and start chugging garlic but it could be extremely beneficial to your health to include garlic into your daily diet.

Cols, coughs and asthma are normally started with inflammation and garlic being an excellent anti inflammatory agent could help with the reduction of symptoms.

Now it is not guaranteed that garlic is a cure-all and can save you from all illnesses but any remedy that could help you keep inflammation at bay could also help you fight the common cold.

13:Health Benefits Of Raw Garlic: Reduce kidney and urinary tract Infections

Most of us know that the kidneys are major waste disposal organs of the body.

Consuming fresh garlic will help your kidneys get rid of toxins while also adding antimicrobial protection.

The antimicrobial properties of garlic can help fight urinary tract and kidney infections.

Making garlic juice is really easy.

If you have a juicer and already drink a smoothie every morning then adding a clove or two of garlic to your smoothie is easy.

You can also swallow the whole clove obviously depending on the size of the clove.

As always try and only use organically grown products to avoid ingesting harmful poisons and to get the full benefits from the garlic.

I hope that this article gave you a better idea of the health benefits of raw garlic.

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