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Updated: May 17, 2021

how much apple cider vinegar

For those who do not know apple cider vinegar is simply made by fermenting already fermented apple juice. Yes the first step is to make hard apple cider and then turn it into apple cider vinegar with an acidity level of around 5%. ACV usually comes in different strengths but normally not much more than 5%. It is important to note that that for the best result you should always try to use organic products to reduce the risk of ingesting poisons used in the growing of the apples.

how much apple cider vinegar

How much apple cider vinegar will depend largely on the condition that you are trying to treat. It is important to note that in this article we will attempt to give you general guidelines on how much apple cider vinegar to use Please always consult a doctor before attempting any alternative treatment and especially make sure that it is safe to use with any current medication.

how much apple cider vinegar


Below are some of the medical conditions that apple cider vinegar could be used for and general guidelines on how much apple cider vinegar to use in each case.

1: Blood sugar management

As people age, their bodies find it difficult to regulate their blood sugar appropriately. This leads to the emergence of diabetes as a health condition. Apple cider could help to regulate blood sugar levels. 4 Teaspoons full in a glass of water should be sufficient. An added benefit is that ACV help in keeping you fuller for longer and this could lead to weight loss that could also help your blood sugar levels to stabilize.

2: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

The polycystic ovarian syndrome is a health condition that is triggered by hormonal imbalances and leads to abnormal menstrual cycles in women. Also, it could cause cysts and other abnormal growths to sprout in the ovary and the fallopian tube. ACV taken before meals could help regulate your hormones and help manage this health condition.

how much apple cider vinegar

3: Weight Loss

Weight loss is actually a scientifically proven use of ACV. The reason is that ACV keeps you fuller for longer and thus prevents you from overeating and this could lead to weight loss. A couple of teaspoons with water before a meal should do the trick. You can always adjust the amount you mix with water according to your taste. Mixing ACV with another natural remedy like honey could improve on the effect that it has on weight loss. To improve the effectiveness of ACV with regards to weight loss a healthy diet accompanied with a regular exercise schedule should be followed.

4: Improving Digestion

Do you suffer from bloating and excessive farting after a meal? If so then give ACV a try before or after a meal and see what happens. ACV could help improve digestion and reduce the bloating you feel after a meal.

how much apple cider vinegar

5: General Wellness

There are no real recommended guidelines on how much apple cider vinegar to use for general health because each individual is different and should experiment with the dosage. My grandmother used to take a teaspoon of ACV with each meal and she lived to the ripe age of 92 years. Cant say for sure if it was the ACV or the vodka and water she used to drink that contributed to her health.

6: Lowering Bad Cholesterol

Bad cholesterol does solidify and harden in the veins, arteries, and capillaries. If and when this happens, the flow of blood is heavily compromised and interfered with. This could lead to so many health issues like high blood pressure and heart attack. ACV could help in the reduction of bad cholesterol. My personal opinion is that ACV reduces bad cholesterol by helping you maintain a healthy weight. Regular exercise will also contribute to lowering bad cholesterol.

7: Balancing the body's pH

Apart from the blood sugar and pressure levels, it is necessary also to balance the pH of the body. This is to uphold the immunity of the body while also boosting the metabolism thereof. Taking a healthy supplement like ACV could help to lower or higher your blood PH and thus help you live a healthier life. A blood PH test would obviously help you determine the PH level of your blood and thus the amount of ACV you should take or the lifestyle changes you should make.

how much apple cider vinegar

8: Improving the health of the digestive tracts

So that food may be properly digested, the digestive tract itself has to be strong and healthy. Apple cider vinegar has yet again been noted to really improve the health of the digestive tract. When 1 or 2 tablespoons (15–30 ml) is taken right before meals with water diarrhea and bacterial infections of the colon could be kept at bay.

9: Clearing the Sinuses

Sinuses produce the mucus that is used to line the membrane of the nose. The mucus traps dirt to clean the air before it is passed into the lungs.. Apple cider vinegar could help to clean the sinuses and help them to produce enough mucus to make sure that your sinuses cleans the air you breathe. No you do not have to spay ACV into your nose just drink it with a glass of water.

10: Skin + Acne Treatment

yes ACV does not just help to clean your body and keep it healthy from the inside but from the outside also and it may also be good for your skin as well. ACV could help in the prevention and control of acne and all you have to do is wash your skin with it. For an added boost mix ACV with crushed garlic and baking soda until a paste is formed and apply directly to the affected areas. Let it sit for a couple of minutes and then rinse with water. Please take note that individuals with sensitive skin should start with a small amount of ACV because larger amounts could potentially burn your skin.

how much apple cider vinegar

11: Whitening your Teeth

ACV could clean your teeth and whiten them in the same way that it could clean your skin. The acidity could kill plague causing bacteria and thereby clean your teeth and gums. A simple past of ACV and baking soda can be made and used to brush your teeth. Afterwards you can use your normal toothpaste to brush your teeth.

12: Reducing the Risks of Heart Disease and Cancer

Studies have deduced that taking moderate levels of apple cider vinegar consistently each day has the impact of reducing the risks of cancer and heart diseases. Also, it indirectly boosts the immunity of the body and makes the same to be better prepared to fight off all kinds of infections. ACV is packed full of antioxidants that help to fight disease like cancer and other autoimmune diseases and the ability to help you control your weight could also help in combating heart disease.

how much apple cider vinegar


Kindly note that research about the efficacy of this wonderful substance is still ongoing. We do not know how many other benefits that await those who choose to start using ACV on a daily basis. For this reason we believe that everyone should at least give ACV the benefit of the doubt when it comes to your daily health care regime.

As a bonus for sticking with us on this topic of how much apple cider vinegar till the end, we would like to give you some advice on preventing adverse side effects. Drinking a bottle of ACV a day would probably be too much. We would recommend starting out with a tablespoon with a glass of water before meals and taking it from there remembering to stop if you notice any adverse side effects. 1 to 2 tablespoons of ACV a day should be more than sufficient.

Thank you for reading this article and please take a moment to share this article with your friends that may find it helpful.

how much apple cider vinegar

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